Fostering Students' Entrepreneurial Interest with Turnover-Based Value-Based Methods Entrepreneurship can be described as individuals who possess the courage to take risks and start businesses on various occasions. They are the ones who organize and manage new ventures and are willing to face the risks involved in creating business opportunities.

Fostering Students' Entrepreneurial Interest with Turnover-Based Value-Based Methods

What is Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is the process of an individual or group of individuals who use organized means and opportunities that create value to grow, meet needs and wants with innovation and uniqueness, and do not care about the resources used (Robbing and Coulter, 2016). 

Entrepreneurs must have the courage to mobilize resources to create business activities. Entrepreneurs always think about creating business opportunities that can provide benefits. In running an entrepreneur, someone must have the courage to take the risks they will face. 

Everyone should be interested in entrepreneurship to change their mindset to create jobs instead of finding employment, including vocational high school (SMK) students. Students are provided with marketing or marketing knowledge in learning innovative products of entrepreneurship. 

Steps to Grow Students' Entrepreneurial Interest with Turnover-Based Values

The process of growing students' entrepreneurial interest can be done through turnover-based values. Students are instructed to create products that can be sold online or offline. Once the transactions are completed, evidence of the transactions, such as transfers, videos, or photos, are presented to the teacher for assessment.

In this digital era, it is easier for students to learn entrepreneurship. They can become drop shippers or resellers in the existing marketplace by simply using gadgets. By providing scores to students based on the size of the turnover they achieve, their motivation, interest, and entrepreneurial behavior can be increased. Although this method may seem demanding initially, once students get into the habit and experience the benefits they obtain, their mindset will change.

Entrepreneurship is essential, and learning through this turnover-based method is expected to be enjoyable for students. It provides them with the opportunity to implement theories directly, both in school and in practical terms. With guidance from teachers, students can learn to recognize business opportunities and develop creative and entrepreneurial products. Not only can they obtain good grades through selling, but they can also benefit financially from the transactions they make. The more transactions they complete, the greater the benefits they receive and the better the value they achieve.

Overall, assigning grades based on turnover proves to be an effective and efficient method for fostering entrepreneurial interest among SMK students.

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